Friday, November 11, 2011

It's been awhile.....

Long time no blog!
Oh man has life been busy! My bouncing baby boy is growing like a weed and I can't believe he is going to be 9 months next week!!!!!!!!! What am I going to do?!?!

So I have not been sleepless lately because of my baby. He has been doing great the past few days. He tends to go to sleep from 8pm to about 4am and then back to bed till about 7 or so. I have been treated so well by him :)

Sleep the last few night has been a little hard. I am having anxiety and Im not sure why. I think it is due to the stress I have experienced the last few months. I am trying to deal with the stress at the time but I guess it caught up with me.

I am working on relationships in my life right now. Some relationships more then other...... I have come to realize that God puts people in our lives for a reason. That reason my just be to show me what I dont want to be. Now that is helpful realizing this but it is hard because sometimes those examples are close family, of which you must have in your life. Now after thinking about the situations I have going on in my life I am torn by two choices. The first choice is to just eliminate those kinds of people from my life. The people who cause more stress then I can handle and push me to this point. The second option is to keep them in my life and continue to strive for a better relationship.

Now the clear answer is to continue to strive for a better relationship. Oh how I wish that were the easy answer! I wish I had the ability to forgive and forget. The lessons we all learn like that are hard to follow through on. This has made many things in my life hard. Clean slates are really never clean are they? It feels like old problems always make their way back into the picture..... or is it simply because the problem was never solved in the first place? Im thinking its that.

Well just so things to think about. Now I must go get my wee one who is waking up.

Restful nights for all :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am going crazy! I cant get any sleep around here! I think that if I got the chance to drive away in the middle of the night I might (or just sleep in my car). I love my husband and my son more then words can express but man I just want one good night sleep! Last night Ty was up and down all night. When he was not up, the dog were. I'm watching my moms little Boston terrier and BIG boxer. So in my room last night I had one dad, one mom, one baby, one boxer, one Boston, and one lab. All of which (except for mom) SNORE! Perhaps I will more to Australia........

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Making Up Cookies!

 Chocolate Chip Marshmallow cookies

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
Oh and don’t forget the Marshmallows :)

Mix sugars eggs and butter together then mix in the rest!
Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!

Bad Night.....

Tyler was up a LOT last night! I am so tired today but I am still going to pull through and make it through the day. Lots of things like cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking, playing with baby, ect. just cant wait till tomorrow. On the plus side I was up early enough to go to the gym.

While I was up with my baby last night I decided I needed to "get my sexy back", this I thought was better then saying I need to get my big booty in gear. 

So this morning I started out on my sexy journey. I'm afraid this sleepless sexy journey is going to be hard, but worth it in the end. I used to enjoy working out so much. I still enjoy it but I hate to leave my baby and sometimes feel a nap might be more useful.  I guess I have to just perk myself up and go to the gym 6, YES 6, days a week. This will be a challenge because I have to have a babysitter for Ty. Drew and I do  gym switch. I go he watches the baby and he goes I watch the baby. Sometimes we get lucky and my mom comes out and watches the baby so we can go together. Thanks mom :)
So with my mind and body ready to go I have to keep something in mind as incentive. Drew and I have decided to hold off on trying for our second child till we are at our goals. Now we have incentive because we would like starting to try in about a year or so. 

I have decided to make a commitment to our trainer and perhaps include a few more sessions with her in our quest. We have also decided to look into taking dance lessons (Thank you DWTS!) .

Perhaps tonight I will stay up to think of ways to love myself more because I know once I accept myself I can change for the better.

I sure hope this works.........

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shaving Your Husbands Head

Not one of the things I ever thought I'd do......... But here it is!

Perhaps I will not sleep tonight because I'm a little worried he might get a sunburn!

Gotta start somewhere

Me and my son Ty swimming at my parents house

Hello! I decided to write this blog because I really don't sleep a lot and this will give me something to do. Now don't be fooled by the title "sleepless mommy" because most of the time I am sleepless for many other reasons that are at no fault of my child.

However, the past few days Ty has contributed to my sleeplessness. See he is at an age where sleeping is merely an inconvenience. I swear he thinks he is going to miss out on something while he sleeps! This child is the king of power naps, sleeping only a half hour or so and deciding he is ready to tackle the world again! Unfortunately, this half hour nap thing only lasts him for about an hour and then I am left with a crumbling mess of a baby! At least, if nothing else, he's super cute.

So off to Barns & Noble to find a book or two on how to help babies sleep. Well let me tell you something! EVERYONE has an opinion on how, when, where, ect. your baby should sleep! Dr. So And So thinks your baby should cry it out (CIO) , Dr. Whatever His Name Is thinks your baby should be rocked and lets not mention what GRANDMA think should happen! Oh man! How do you know who is right? Well after about 20 times of returning baby books I decided none of them are right or wrong. They all have their ideas and they are valid ideas, but babies are not all alike. Its a fine blend of all the methods that works for your family.

Now for our family, The Martins, what is right for us? Well, just like finding a good wine, we are going to try a few. Last night was the "Love the Crap Out of Your Baby So He will Sleep" night. This is after last weeks heart wrenching " You Cry and Ill Check on You in Five", so needless to say I loved last night a whole lot more. He seemed to do pretty well! He did wake up after about a half hour and I had to rock him for a few more minutes but them he was out till 3:00am. At 3 he woke up but not really, just a whimper or two, nothing a good pat on the back could not fix. He was a champ and went straight back to sleep after I feed him at 6:00am and slept till his normal 7:30am. Man that was a lot easier then I thought it would be! Will it work tonight?

After hearing about our great night you might be a little confused because I use the word sleepless. You might be thinking "man how much sleep does this woman want?!?!? Her kid sleeps from 8:00pm till 7:30am, waking only a few times, and shes tired?! what the heck lady!" When life involves more then just one element it can be just a bit more difficult.

I am having some issues right now with some feelings I am feeling. That may sound funny to you, but more then likely if you are reading this, you know what the issues are and you understand why I am choosing not to divulge them. If you are that curious just email me and ask :)

My husband once told me you don't just marry a person you marry a family. You become part of a family which is hard. See when you are born into a family somethings seem so normal to you and when you marry into a family those same things could be considered strange. For example, in my husbands family birthdays are a time to give insulting cards and in my family we tend to give sentimental cards. Two different ways of doing things that one person has to get used too.

Now the two different ways of doing things is how I got so upset in the first place. I feel that the way I do things is a compromise and the way some other people do things is an unwillingness to compromise. I wish more then anything I could step outside of the situations and see them without having a bias. This is what I use my sister for, she is my logical person! I know that she is going to validate my feelings and give me a logical response, except for when she is the one I'm Upset with :) Love you Lisa!

So my up all night was because of family problems.........

Sometimes I wonder if this will ever end and if I'm the only one going through all this crap.

Now I promise The next blog will be better and the one after that even better. Practice makes perfect!
Until next time, may your nights be filled with rest!